Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I look through very blurry eyes trying to decipher the numbers that are displayed next to my bed. I look twice, then again. My mind is tripping over numbers trying to remember how many minutes are in an hour. Instantly I jump out of bed, still trying to do the math in regards to my commute time. I stumble out the door with my shirt untucked and shoes untied. Skip scrapping the frost off the windows, and I’m off with a deadline to beat. We don’t have an oversized employee manual that spells out all the rules and regulations. We don’t have a set schedule for breaks or lunch, or even who’s really in charge. We try to keep things simple in the shop, in that, we keep rules to a minimum. No one has been written up for exceeding the allotted bathroom time, or dress code violation. Even if we did, it’s not like we keep things on file. We all work at what we are we are supposed to, and most of the time we don’t pay attention to what time it is. Except first thing in the morning, we do have one rule that has become set in stone. It’s called the 8:15 rule, and it has been rigorously enforced for years. We start our day at 8:00 in the morning, and everyone is expected to be there on time. But for one reason or another, like today, you might be getting to work a little bit late. Maybe you slept in, or traffic was bad, or your significant other was feeling frisky that morning. That is where this rule comes into play. If you think that you are not going to make it to the shop by 8:15 then you will be required to bring a dozen donuts for the rest to enjoy. Some have tried to use excuses, and one even tried to pass a sleeve of mini donuts, but the rule is simple. If the time clock reads 8:15, or later, you are late, and will be bringing donuts. It has become something that others in the shop look forward to. Even though with my best effort and skillful driving, I sit at a light waiting for the person in front of me to find the courage to turn left when I notice the clock. Several text messages begin to arrive. Reminding me, each in their own very individual style, that I will need to provide a treat of some kind for the others. We have had days where we were blessed with several dozen donuts. We have began to accepted substitutions since donuts shops are getting hard to find. Breakfast burritos from Betos, bagles, or what I will bring today, breakfast from McDonalds. Some complain about the cost, but if you can’t do the time, then get there on time.


  1. So what did you bring this morning?

  2. I want you to know one of your ads is "Reckless is a crime". Please scrape you windows, other than that I trust your "skillful" driving.
